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Frequently Asked Questions

Where are you located?

Arthur Travel Health is co-located with Arthur Family Practice Associates on the 2nd floor of the Arthur Library within the Arthur Family Health Centre.

Our address is 110 Charles Street East, Arthur, ON N0G 1A0.

Our phone number is 519-848-3798.

We are wheelchair accessible and have an EV rapid charging station in our parking lot.

Do you have vaccines on site?

Yes. We strive to keep all necessary vaccines on site for your convenience. Sometimes due to demand or shortages it can be difficult to find a particular vaccine, where possible we will suggest a comparable alternative.

What is a travel health clinic?

A Travel Health Clinic and Vaccination Centre is a medical facility that specializes in providing Travel Health Consultations, risk assessments and advice to travellers as well as administering recommended or required travel vaccinations.

We take a personalized approach to each traveller this is why each traveller must complete an travel health and personal health history electronic form prior to their consultation. If this is something, you might struggle with we just ask that you contact our clinic and our staff will help you complete your travel health and personal health history details before your consultation.

We provide customized healthcare advice and services meant to promote health and wellness during travel, we are strong proponents of prevention and risk mitigation, we helps ensure you have healthy and safe adventure.

What should I bring to my initial appointment?

Your passport, any available immunization record and list of all current medications. Any specific questions related to Travel health.

What documentation will patients receive from their visit?

You will receive a copy of our Travel Health consultation note, it can also be shared with your Primary Care Provider if you wish. A receipt of all vaccines administered with DIN number for insurance purposes.

Do you provide yellow fever vaccines?

Yes. We are a Yellow Fever designated Vaccination Centre approved by the Public Health Agency of Canada.

Do you provide yellow fever exemptions?

Yes. In appropriate circumstances where a medical contraindication to vaccination exists.

Are the vaccines offered at Arthur Travel Health safe?

Yes. Our medical staff follows strict guidelines and protocols to ensure the safety and efficacy of all vaccines administered. We use only licensed and approved vaccines, and our medical professionals are trained in the proper administration of vaccines to ensure that they are given safely and effectively. We also take into consideration any medical history or underlying health conditions of the patient before administering any vaccines.

Is it possible for family members to receive vaccines at the same appointment?

We do offer family appointments for more than one traveller going to the same destination. Vaccine advice is individualized to each traveller, so it may be possible to get vaccines at the same time as family members, but not always.

Can pregnant patients receive travel vaccines?

It depends. Some vaccines are safe for pregnant women, while others are not. At Arthur Travel Health, we take your pregnancy status or planned pregnancy status into consideration. We follow the recommendations of the Public Health Agency of Canada and other reputable health organizations when it comes to vaccination recommendations for pregnant patients.

Can children patients receive travel vaccines?

It depends. Some vaccines are safe for children, while others are not. At Arthur Travel Health, we take your child’s health status and age into consideration. We follow the recommendations of the Public Health Agency of Canada and other reputable health organizations when it comes to vaccination recommendations for young travellers.

Can patients with immunodeficiencies (congenital, acquired or induced) safely receive travel vaccines?

It depends. Some vaccines are safe for people who are immunocompromised, while others are not. At Arthur Travel Health, we take your health status and current medications or therapies into consideration. We follow the recommendations of the Public Health Agency of Canada and other reputable health organizations when it comes to vaccination recommendations for immunocompromised travellers.

Do the travel vaccines have any side effects?

Adverse reactions to vaccines, like any medication, are possible but generally rare. Most people who receive vaccines do not experience any significant side effects.

Common side effects from vaccines may include soreness, redness, or swelling at the injection site, low-grade fever, and mild aches or discomfort. Serious side effects are extremely rare but can occur.

However, if you have a history of severe reactions to vaccines or their components, it is essential to inform our medical staff during your pre-travel consultation. Also, helpful to know is if you have a history of fainting or presyncope/syncope.

The benefits of vaccination typically outweigh the risks associated with travel-related diseases. Our medical team is trained to recognize and manage any potential side effects that may occur.

If you have any concerns or questions about the side effects of a particular vaccine, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Why do patients pay for some vaccines at Arthur Travel Health?

The Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP) does not cover Travel vaccines and as such, patients will be responsible for the cost of the vaccines. While some private insurance plans may cover the cost of travel vaccines, it is the patient’s responsibility to confirm their coverage and submit receipts for reimbursement.

How far in advance of travel should I book my Travel Consult?

Ideally 2 months in advance of your trip. There is still value in even a last minute travel consultation to learn about measures to reduce risk, but you may not have time to develop full immunity from most vaccines as they typically take 1-2 weeks before they reach effective immunity.

What payment methods do you accept?

Cash, Debit or Credit.

Do you bill my private insurance?

No. We provide you a receipt for any services and vaccines provided. Many private drug insurances plans will cover some or all of the cost of vaccinations or antimalarial drugs. It is the patient’s responsibility to confirm their coverage and submit receipts for reimbursement. At Arthur Travel Health, we do not directly bill insurance plans for vaccines administered at our clinic.

Mpox: What to know when travelling / Mpox : ce qu'il faut savoir en voyageant

On August 14, 2024, the World Health Organization declared mpox a public health emergency of international concern (PHEIC).  If you’re travelling abroad, find out how you can reduce your risk by reviewing the travel health notice for mpox. You should also visit the Travel Advice and Advisories page for your destination(s).

Le 14 août 2024, l’Organisation mondiale de la Santé a déclaré la mpox une urgence de santé publique de portée internationale (USPPI). Si vous voyagez à l’étranger, découvrez comment vous pouvez réduire vos risques en consultant les conseils de santé aux voyageurs pour la mpox. Lisez la page des Conseils aux voyageurs et avertissements pour vos destinations.

What is mpox? / Qu’est-ce que la mpox?

  • Mpox is a viral infection that causes a painful rash. The rash can be accompanied by other symptoms such as fever, chills, headache, exhaustion, swollen lymph nodes, back, joint and muscle pain. In rare cases, people can become very sick and die. People usually develop symptoms 7 to 10 days after being exposed to the mpox virus (although it may take up to 21 days for symptoms to develop).
  • Mpox can spread from person to person through contact with the lesions or scabs that may be found on the skin or mucosal surfaces (such as eyes, mouth, throat, genitalia, anus, or rectum) of a person who is infected. It can also spread through contact with bodily fluids of a person with mpox (such as semen, saliva or blood).
  • La mpox est une infection virale qui cause une éruption cutanée douloureuse. L’éruption cutanée peut s’accompagner d’autres symptômes, comme de la fièvre, des frissons, des maux de tête, de l’épuisement, des ganglions lymphatiques enflés ainsi que des douleurs au dos, aux articulations et aux muscles. Dans de rares cas, les gens peuvent devenir très malades et mourir. Les symptômes apparaissent généralement de 7 à 10 jours après l’exposition au virus de la mpox (bien que les symptômes puissent apparaître jusqu’à 21 jours après l’exposition).
  • La mpox peut se transmettre de personne à personne par contact avec les lésions ou les gales qui se trouvent sur la peau ou les surfaces muqueuses (comme les yeux, la bouche, la gorge, les organes génitaux, l’anus ou le rectum) d’une personne infectée. Elle peut également se transmettre par contact avec les liquides corporels d’une personne atteinte de la mpox (comme le sperme, la salive ou le sang).

What should I do if I’m travelling internationally? / Que dois-je faire si je voyage à l’ètranger?

  • Anyone planning to travel internationally should review the Travel Advice and Advisories page for their destination(s) before travelling. They should also refer to the level 2 travel health notice (THN) for mpox for advice on how to reduce their risk of infection.
  • Individuals planning travel abroad should consult a health care provider or visit a travel health clinic preferably 6 weeks before travelling. They can offer personalized health advice and recommendations for travellers, including mpox vaccination, if they’re eligible.
  • Currently, the mpox vaccine is not routinely recommended for travellers without known exposure to mpox, unless they meet the high risk criteria. When travelling abroad, individuals should take measures to reduce their risk, including avoiding contact with someone who has symptoms of mpox or who may have been exposed to mpox.
  • If travellers develop symptoms of mpox when travelling or upon return, they should avoid contact with others and consult a health care provider or local public health unit.
  • If travellers develop symptoms of mpox during their flight, they should tell the flight attendant before they land or the border services officer as they enter the country. They will notify a quarantine officer who can assess symptoms.
  • The Public Health Agency of Canada continues to monitor the global mpox situation and update travel health advice as the situation evolves.
  • Les personnes qui prévoient de voyager à l’étranger doivent consulter la page Conseils aux voyageurs et avertissements par destination avant de partir. Elles doivent également se référer à l’avis de santé aux voyageurs de niveau 2 relatif à la mpox pour obtenir des conseils sur la manière de réduire leur risque d’infection.
  • Les personnes qui prévoient de voyager à l’étranger doivent consulter un fournisseur de soins de santé ou visiter une clinique santé-voyage, idéalement six semaines avant leur départ. Elles pourront ainsi recevoir des recommandations et des conseils personnalisés en matière de santé aux voyageurs, y compris la vaccination contre la mpox, si elles y sont admissibles.
  • À l’heure actuelle, le vaccin contre la mpox n’est pas systématiquement recommandé pour les voyageurs sans exposition connue à la mpox, à moins qu’ils ne répondent aux critères de risque élevé. À l’étranger, les voyageurs doivent prendre des mesures pour réduire leur risque, notamment éviter tout contact avec les personnes qui présentent des symptômes de la mpox ou qui pourraient avoir été exposées à cette maladie.
  • Si les voyageurs présentent des symptômes de la mpox pendant leur voyage ou à leur retour, ils doivent éviter tout contact avec d’autres personnes et consulter un fournisseur de soins de santé ou le bureau de santé publique local.
  • Si les voyageurs présentent des symptômes de la mpox pendant leur vol, ils doivent en informer l’agent de bord avant l’atterrissage ou l’agent des services frontaliers à leur arrivée au pays. Ces derniers préviendront un agent de quarantaine qui pourra évaluer les symptômes.
  • L’Agence de la santé publique du Canada continue de surveiller la situation mondiale relativement à la mpox et de mettre à jour les conseils de santé aux voyageurs à mesure que la situation évolue.

How can I reduce my risk of mpox? / Comment puis-je réduire mon risque de mpox?

Getting vaccinated, if eligible, is a key prevention strategy for those at high risk. People can also lower their risk of getting mpox by avoiding:

  • close physical contact with someone who has mpox, including sexual contact
  • sexual contact with someone who may have had a high-risk exposure to mpox. For example, a sexual partner or household member of someone with mpox.
  • contact with personal items or objects used by someone with mpox

You can also lower your risk by:

  • having fewer sexual partners
  • using barrier protection during sexual activity, including:
    • condoms
    • dental dams
    • gloves
    • clothing
  • practicing regular hand hygiene
  • cleaning and disinfecting high-touch surfaces and objects in your accommodations, especially after having visitors

More information on preventing the spread of mpox can be found here.

La vaccination, si vous y êtes admissible, est une stratégie de prévention clé pour les personnes qui présentent un risque élevé. Les personnes peuvent aussi réduire leur risque de mpox en évitant :

  • tout contact physique étroit avec une personne atteinte de la mpox, y compris les contacts sexuels;
  • tout contact sexuel avec une personne pouvant avoir eu une exposition à haut risque à la mpox. Par exemple, un partenaire sexuel ou un membre du ménage d’une personne atteinte de la mpox;
  • tout contact avec les effets personnels d’une personne atteinte de la mpox ou avec des objets qu’elle a utilisés.

Vous pouvez également réduire votre risque en faisant ce qui suit :

  • avoir moins de partenaires sexuels;
  • utiliser une méthode barrière pendant les activités sexuelles, notamment :
    • des condoms,
    • des digues dentaires,
    • des gants,
    • des vêtements;
  • maintenir une bonne hygiène des mains;
  • nettoyer et désinfecter les surfaces et les objets fréquemment touchés dans le lieu où vous habitez, surtout après avoir reçu des visiteurs.

Vous trouverez de plus amples renseignements sur la prévention de la transmission de la mpox ici.

Vaccine Price List

Click the button below to view vaccines administered at Arthur Travel Health.